Justin Jones – His Credibility On Everything Should Be Questioned

‘“As someone who went to Divinity School, as someone who served as a Methodist minister, I want to lift up that revolutionary brown skin Palestinian named Jesus who engaged in ‘good trouble,’” Jones said.” https://www.toddstarnes.com/opinion/tenn-lawmaker-compares-himself-to-brown-skin-palestinian-named-jesus/ Read More …

Belmont University Dilemma..Christian Speaker On Christian Campus Offends Muslim Students

The Muslim Student Association is a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is a designated terrorist organization in many Middle Eastern countries, and if 2021 proposed legislation is passed in DC, the Read More …

Raising Money for a Revolution of Hate – Highlander Center – Part 8

It’s incredible how Marxists can raise millions of dollars by spewing hate.  For the Highlander Center, hate is BIG business! Highlander’s latest available financial report boasts a 12% increase in income bringing their 20/21 fiscal Read More …

2 GOP State Legislator-Lawyers Want Illegal Aliens to Practice Law in TN

Last year 35 House and 15 Senate Republicans voted to help Democrats pass Republican Shane Reeves’ bill that makes illegal aliens with temporary federal (as in Biden administration) work authorization, eligible to obtain commercial and Read More …