It’s the heartless and barbaric history of Muhammad and Islam. It’s also the same present-day contemporary Islam. It’s doctrine and practice that hasn’t changed or abated in 1400+ years.
October 7th? Islamic Jihad. In more than one place the Koran describes Jews as “apes and swines”, a slur that supposedly is meant to refer to the ancient Jews who refused to convert. However, it is still used today by imams, by Jew-hating writers, on Palestinian Authority TV and most recently, in a Fatah broadcasted message two days after the terrorist attack on October 7th – “‘[s]trike the sons of apes of pigs… slaughter everyone who is Israeli’”
Add to this that in the Hadith, the examples and sayings of Muhammad, who Allah says all Muslims must emulate, Islamists learn that “[t]he Hour [end of time when Islam will rule the world] will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say”.O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him”.
The same hadith is still in vogue, included in a circular distributed by the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Religious Affairs two weeks after the October 7th massacre, to be preached in mosques. And to no surprise, the directive to kill Jews is included in Article 7 of the Hamas 1988 founding document, also referred to as the Hamas Covenant.
Five years after the founding of Hamas, Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad met in Philadelphia with members of Hamas and then organized CAIR which in 1997, was designated as a foreign terrorist organization. Awad, who in 2014, publicly switched his support from the PLO terrorist group to supporting Hamas, has also voiced his support for the October 7th massacre of Israelis.

Nihad Awad (center in black jacket) at Murfreesboro mosque with imam Bahloul
“‘A 2023 joint publication by United Nations Watch and the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) reported that ‘teachers and schools at the UN agency that runs education and social services for Palestinians regularly call for the murder of Jews, and create teaching materials that glorify terrorism, encourage martyrdom, demonize Israelis, and incite anti-Semitism.’”
9/11? Islamic Jihad. No explanation needed.
Islamic murder and persecution of Christians and Jews should come as no surprise; the hatred is embedded in Islamic doctrine taught to children – “O believers! Take neither Jews nor Christians as guardians—they are guardians of each other. Whoever does so will be counted as one of them. Surely Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.”
The seeds of hatred are reinforced in schools and children’s programming.
In 2017, a story in the TN Star ran a story that included a promotional video for Anoor Academy, an Islamic school in Knoxville. At 1:05 of the video there is a row of textbooks titled What Islam Is All About. The TN Star piece includes excerpts from the textbook that denigrate Christians and Jews.
52,000 Christians slaughtered in Benue and other Nigerian states? Islamic Jihad.
In February 2024, Nigerian Christian clergy correctly labeled the “hack[ing] a person to death with a machete” and “…blasting unarmed villagers in the back with an AK-47 as they seek to escape a terrorist raid” – “[i]t is Islamic jihad.”
Islamic persecution of Christians worldwide is dramatically higher.
Does Nigerian Muslim Council Member Zulfat Suara have anything to say about the jihad of her fellow countrymen?
Apparently not. Nigerian born Suara did, however, find time in 2020, to organize a rally in downtown Nashville to protest “political corruption and police brutality” in Nigeria even though Nigeria’s jihadi Boko Haram was slaughtering civilians that same year in a Christmas Eve raid on a Christian village, killing people, burning down a church and abducting a priest.
Suara is now serving her second at-large council term. First elected in 2019, she was heralded as the first Nigerian to be elected to any public office in the U.S. and the first Muslim to be elected to a public office in Tennessee.
Prior to serving on the Council, she led the TN American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) since 2012. While she resigned her leadership role immediately prior to running for the Council, she remains on the AMAC board.
Under her leadership, the AMAC dove head-first into programming with leading anti-Israel agitators including Linda Sarsour, Ash-Lee Henderson and fellow AMAC member Drost Kokoye, helping to normalize antisemitism by pretending that attacking Zionism is simply about criticizing the Israeli government. It is well understood that challenging Zionism is challenging Israel’s right to exist.
As expected, given AMAC’s anti-Zionist agenda, Suara’s AMAC promoted the early pro-Hamas rallies organized by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) held in Nashville following the October 7th attack on Israeli civilians. (Suara served as one of Bernie Sanders’ state campaign chairs. It should also be noted that at this time Suara had already connected with Bernie’s antisemite surrogate Linda Sarsour and Jew-hating Rashda Tlaib who along with super Jew-hater Ilhan Omar were all supporting Bernie).
One of the earliest DSA organized rallies included signs with swastikas and the “river to the sea” chanting which calls for the elimination of Jews and the Jewish homelandWhile Israelis were still reeling from the October 7th unprovoked jihadi barbarism of mutilating women, cutting a fetus from a mother still alive and then killing the baby in front of her, decapitating and shooting people of all ages including children, all documented with photographs and video from the cameras of captured Hamas and civilian Palestinians who joined the massacre, AMAC was making sure that Jew haters in Nashville were informed about their protest rights.
WARNING – videos 2 & 3 contain extremely upsetting and graphic information
In keeping with its self-described victim status upon which AMAC was founded, they quickly advised schools to watch out for bullying or any form of discrimination against Muslim and Arab students.
According to the TN Star, Suara has refused to condemn Hamas and apparently has made no mention of the hostages including baby Kfir.
It doesn’t appear that Suara who is involved in a slew of WOMEN identified groups including the Tennessee Women’s March, a leadership role in the National Women’s Political Caucus and is an inductee to the Women’s Hall of Fame, has spoken out about the sexual violence and extreme brutality against women during the October 7th massacre. The virtually indescribable savagery of the terrorists has been well documented.
Barely a month after the slaughter in Israel, AMAC was promoting a “ceasefire now peace rally” to tell Congress to “stop funding and supporting genocide” and another rally encouraging the wearing of the keffiyah, a symbol of Jew hatred which Palestinian cowards use to cover their faces while they attack Jews overseas and here in the U.S.
More recently, Suara was the prime Metro Council sponsor of a ceasefire resolution promoted by the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), an organization whose focus is to turn Americans against Israel. The USCPR also has troubling ties to Tennessee.
Suara’s ceasefire resolution
Suara’s ceasefire resolution includes a healthy dose of Hamas-inspired propaganda including the reference to and use of the Gaza Health Ministry (GHM) alleged death toll of women and children even though the numbers have come under scrutiny. Even the U.S. House through a bipartisan amendment is trying to block the State Department from using the Gaza Health Ministry data. The amendment passed with 62 Democrats voting yes. No action yet in the U.S. Senate.
Suara’s resolution repeatedly attempts to draw a nation state equivalency between Israel and “Palestine”. While Israel has been a State recognized by the U.S. government since 1948, there has never been a “State of Palestine” nor does one exit in present day. The region referred to as Palestine preceding the declaration of the State of Israel was a British run mandate which was established following World War I.
Just as Suara has refused to condemn Hamas, neither does her resolution, despite the fact that Hamas has vowed to repeat October 7th over and over again until all Jews are dead and Israel destroyed. Instead, Suara validates Hamas by citing it’s U.S. counterpart CAIR’s allegations of Islamophobia. FBI statistics consistently show hate crimes against Jews dwarf anti-Muslim activity.
Suara’s resolution fails to mention that Hamas is a U.S. designated foreign terrorist organization and that video has documented Arab civilians killing alongside the uniform-clad Hamas terrorists.
Anti-Israel bias drips from the resolution characterizing Israel as “retaliat[ing] for these attacks by bombing Gaza” when in fact, Israel has been clear from the start that the goal was to rescue the hostages and eliminate the Hamas terrorist entity – not, to take revenge on the civilians in Gaza even though polls show that sadly, Hamas has wide support from the people.
And if the bias and lack of credibility of Suara’s resolution wasn’t enough to have it tossed, it’s direct tie to the anti-Zionist, Jew-hating U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) may have caused it to be withdrawn. The USCPR was formerly known as the U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation.
Author and social media influencer Alyssa Rosenheck exposed the fact that Suara’s resolution was “a template taken from the USCPR website, a group funneling tax-exempt donations to Palestinian organizations, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other U.S.-designated terrorist groups.
Suggested Viewing & Reading: Watch my previous reel and read Tablet’s article, “BDS Umbrella Group Linked to Palestinian Terrorist Organizations.” also has a great fact sheet exposing USCPR.”
The USCPR promotes a significant part of its anti-Israel agenda in the municipal arena including action involving the local governing body. Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel has been factually perverted by the USCPR into a “stop the genocide ceasefire now” campaign complete with a toolkit to run the false narrative campaign through city council resolutions.
Just like the one that Suara sponsored.
USCPR’s connections to Tennessee
In 2014, former Jerusalem Fund (JF) director Yousef Munayyer left to run the USCPR.
Samar Ali’s father Subhi Ali has served on the JF board since 2000, and has led as the JF chairman since 2005. Samar serves as Suara’s campaign treasurer.
From its founding the JF was opposed to the creation of the State of Israel. As early as 2003, the JF was labeling Israel an apartheid state guilty of ethnic cleansing (of Palestinians) spreading one of the many lies told by political propagandists seeking to delegitimize and target the Jewish homeland.
Munayyer was also very public in his anti-Israel pro-BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) advocacy.
Subhi Ali helped intensify the attacks on Israel with help from Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the BDS movement and with speakers like “Israeli-Arab Knesset member, Haneen Zoabi who compared Israel to Germany in the 1930s, claimed Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state and suggested that Israeli-Arab members of the Knesset should work to undermine the State of Israel from within.”
The current JF director Ahmad Abuznaid has elevated and expanded the propagandist attack on Israel through his connections with the Movement 4 Black Lives (M4BL) and Black Lives Matter. Abuznaid, co-founder of a group called “Dream Defenders” has been running trips for BLMers to help them solidify their extreme antisemitism. He also helped draft the M4BL anti-Israel policy platform with Suara’s Tennessee-bred anti-Israel basher Ash-Lee Henderson.

Ash-Lee Henderson & Abuznaid
The M4BL is responsible for a policy platform which asserts that Israel is an apartheid state, is “complicit in the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people”, that homes of Palestinians and land “are routinely bulldozed to make way for illegal Israeli settlements”, and that “Israeli soldiers also regularly arrest and detain Palestinians as young as 4 years old without due process. Everyday, Palestinians are forced to walk through military checkpoints along the US funded apartheid wall.”
The carry-over from Abuznaid’s learn-to-hate-the-Jew trips, is to spread this hostility into U.S. churches. He has been somewhat successful pushing the Marxist intersectional Black-Palestinian Solidarity agenda with the more left-leaning Methodists and their Federation for Social Action. (BTW, when you open this link you will see TN Rep. Justin Jones’ buddy William Barber all in with this stuff).
Under Suara’s leadership of AMAC Ash-Lee Henderson was a featured speaker to attack Zionism. Henderson has also teamed up with Abuznaid to help normalize this newest form of antisemitism.
Zulfat’s campaign treasurer Samar Ali, daughter of Jerusalem Fund chairman says she’s worried about Christians in Gaza
Before Suara’s ceasefire resolution was withdrawn, she attempted to defend it on a public Metro Council discussion board. During the discussion, Suara wrote – “An interesting add was from my friend Samar who suggested that the resolution should mention Palestinian Christians whose voices are sometimes forgotten in this conflict.”
If Suara wants to credibly bring up Palestinian Christians then she must acknowledge the work of Rev. Naim Ateek, Sabeel, and Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA).
Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center (Sabeel), founded by Ateek in 1990, is a Palestinian Christian organization based in Jerusalem which opposes Christian Zionism, pushes anti-Israel advocacy in churches and promotes the BDS movement among other anti-Israel campaigns.
Ateek helped formulate “Palestinian liberation theology” and described Hamas as “an Islamic liberation theology movement.” In other words, Palestinian victims must be liberated from the Israeli oppressor under which they are forced to exist. No different than Suara, Sabeel does not waste its time on the persecution of Christians living in Muslim majority countries, Muslim radicalism, or the terrorism, suicide-bombings and rocket attacks perpetrated by Hamas against Jewish civilians.
FOSNA carries Sable’s anti-Israel work into U.S. churches to turn them against Israel. Currently, the extreme Jew-hating FOSNA is spreading disinformation regarding the atrocities of the October 7th. Denying the deep doctrinal roots of Islamic jihad, FOSNA believes that if Hamas were just welcomed into the political process, then Hamas would “moderate” its position and peace would be achieved. In 2013, FOSNA was added to the Anti-Defamation League’s top ten list of anti-Israel organizations in the U.S.
To no surprise, Suara’s promoted anti-Israel event speaker Ash-Lee Henderson has also been a speaker for FOSNA.
Rather than the biased and false narrative resolution sponsored by Suara, the Metro Nashville Council would benefit from education acknowledging that Islamic jihad is the source of death and persecution for both Jews and Christians. Nashville leaders of good conscience should take the next step and publicly acknowledge that this current day doctrine is responsible for October 7th and the continuing massacre of African Christians.