Sen. Marsha Blackburn Sponsors Bill to Import Unlimited Number of Syrian & Iraqi Refugees to Tennessee

Blackburn’s bill mandates a fast track for Syrians, Iraqis and Kurds who claim they were in some way connected, however loosely or remotely, to America’s fight against ISIS. The bill’s language in this regard is very broadly written.

No cap is put on the numbers to be admitted as refugees, nor does this priority group of refugees count towards President Trump’s FY2020 cap of 18,000 refugees. Vetting for this particular pool of potential U.S. entrants, is vague at best.

After the 2105 jihad in Paris when a Syrian passport carried by one of the jihadis was discovered, some politicians, including Blackburn expressed concern about importing Syrians. At the time, it was discovered that there was a robust black market for fake Syrian passports. And who can forget that two months before the Paris jihad Obama promised to import at least 10,000 Syrian refugees.

It seems Marsha has a very short memory. She, five other Republicans and twelve of the most radical Senate Democrats are co-sponsoring S.2641 which is scheduled to be heard on Wednesday, December 11, 2019, in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The reality on the ground in Tennessee as opposed to the D.C. bubble, is that Iraqi Kurds established a foothold in Nashville, compliments of federal contractor Catholic Charities. With the influx provided by secondary migration, Nashville now has the largest Sunni Muslim Kurdish community in the U.S. By their own count, they put their numbers at approximately 15,000.

The Kurds in Nashville say “they’re angry” about the President’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Northern Syria and that Trump “betrayed” them.

Well you know what gets us angry Marsha and why we feel betrayed? The fact that Kurdish refugees led the fight against an important material support anti-terrorism bill in our state legislature. And that it was a Kurdish refugee who that same year, was the first to get the HAMAS front group CAIR involved in Tennessee state politics.

And it was Kurdish refugees who led organizing the Tennessee American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) and then decided to collaborate with some of the country’s most vocal Jew-hating anti-Semites like Linda Sarsour while at the same time, tolerating the overt Jew-hatred of its Kurdish refugee board member Drost Kokoye.

She and her family were first delivered to Arizona and then re-migranted to Tennessee. Growing up in Tennessee seems to have made Drost hate our country and align herself with the most radical anti-American leftists. She protests against police, pushes her Jew-hatred, and helped start AMAC, only recently leaving her spot on its governing board. And by the way, she hates our country.

How convenient also that Sen. Blackburn chooses to overlook the other “gift” the Kurds imported to Tennessee – their Kurdish Pride Gang.

We’d like to see Marsha’s plan for how members of the Kurd’s own Antifa group will be prevented from entering the U.S..

Still more troubling is the part of Marsha’s bill which specifically permits someone to come to the U.S, even if they were in any way connected to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The problem with this is that two years ago, the U.S. led coalition spokesman Col. John Dorrian let slip that the PKK (the Kurdistan Workers’ Party) terrorist group is part of the SDF.

It just so happens that the PKK is also a U.S. designated terrorist group.

After the Paris jihad, Marsha was quick to say no to importing Syrians to the U.S. and mentioned the problem with vetting and falsified documents:

The security of American citizens must be our top priority. We now have reports that one, and possibly more, of the Paris attackers posed as Syrian refugees before entering Europe. As a result, we must immediately suspend similar resettlement efforts in the U.S. I have repeatedly warned that it is impossible to vet Syrian refugees to determine if they have ties to ISIS. Any efforts to continue moving forward with the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the U.S. would be dangerously irresponsible.

She even co-sponsored a bill to temporarily halt the entire refugee resettlement program and from the House floor commended Tennessee legislators for suing to challenge the federal resettlement program:

Leaving all of this behind in the House, the now Senator Blackburn, is co-sponsoring a bill which pushes refugee resettlement. Does this mean that Marsha wants Governor Lee to consent to refugee resettlement for the state? Does Marsha realize that if the Governor says yes, our lawsuit challenging the federal program goes away? The same lawsuit that she claimed to support in her statement on the House floor?

And what about those measly little security type issues? Did Marsha leave those concerns behind when she graduated from the House? Is she aware of the vetting and other problems we’ve had with Iraqis already admitted to the U.S.?

And by the way Marsha, we’re simply sick and tired of paying to open our doors and pay to bring people into our country who denigrate us and work to undermine our freedoms.

Contact Sen. Marsha Blackburn and tell her this bill stinks. or (202) 224-3344.



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