For years, the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) in Nashville TN has deceived those who believed in their mission, including leaders of law enforcement, education and the churches. The faces may remain somewhat the same, but their objective has become more aggressive and radical. The following is a look at just how they have evolved.
In 2011, Muslim activists across the state, calling themselves the Muslim Rapid Response team, met behind closed doors with the Tennessee Dept of Homeland Security to discuss their opposition to proposed legislation of an anti-terrorism material support bill. Many from that group chose to label this bill anti-Muslim, and anti- Sharia falsely insinuating that it would make practicing their faith a felony. The truth is once an entity has been designated as a terrorist organization, it is a felony for anyone to knowingly help that entity with money, advice or any other aid. (read entire bill here
The Muslim Rapid Response team then became the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) with a spin off named the American Center for Outreach (ACO). The ACO became known as the legislative arm, with its director Remziya Suleyman always present in the halls of the capitol. Many of the same names were linked to both groups as they were interchangeable in their message and goals. Ms. Suleyman also wore the director hat for AMAC at the same time. As Suleyman left the state, Houston native, and Muslim convert Paul Iesa Galloway stepped in to take over. ( More on Galloway to come)
At the time, and until 2016, AMAC’s mission was to build bridges with law enforcement, and other government and private agencies. This letter from AMAC was sent to the Shura board of the Islamic Center of Nashville (A Shura board provides Islamic religious guidance and aides in building a unified Muslim community according to the Quran and the Sunnah (traditions) of their Prophet) to announce their formation.
Note: AMAC was formed after meeting with TN Homeland Security at which time they were opposed to the anti terrorism material support bill which was created to enhance security for all Tennesseans.
Question to keep in mind: Why would a “religious” group form an organization specifically targeting law enforcement and other government agencies on the state, and local level to educate them on their beliefs, especially when they are in opposition to laws that assist those same agencies and keep Americans safe?
Now lets look at some of the original board members and their former director.
Daoud Abudiab: Co-chair of AMAC in its infancy, after which he founded the interfaith organization “Faith and Culture Center” in Nashville TN. Abudiab is also on the board of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC), a leftist, group that promotes open borders, illegal immigration and voting privileges for all as well. Abudiab sends a mixed message as he pushes rhetoric that likens Islam to Christianity, that all gods are the same, and that he loves America, while backing groups that seek to destroy everything America stands for. Included in those groups is a very dangerous, terrorist organization, that Abudiab has been connected to. The United States Council on Muslim Organizations (USCMO) is a Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas conglomerate considered to be their first political party within the United States. In February of 2016, Abudiab attended the first ever conference held in the West which brought together a who’s who of radical leaders from every Muslim Brotherhood front group in America.
For more information on those highlighted click here: kifah mustapha, hussam ayloush and nihad awad
Being an integral part of the Muslim Brotherhoods plan for “civilization jihad”, includes using the tactic of taqiyya, or the art of deception. which is advocated by their doctrine. Abudiab also partakes in another religious obligation called Dawa, or the proselytizing of Islam. The Faith and Culture Center is the outlet by which he sows the seeds of Islam, all under the guise of interfaith. Question to keep in mind: Why would a leader of a faith based group attend a terrorist laden, groups conference? Note: These photos are from the USCMO website. Abudiab has never denied, rejected or commented on them.
Another member of AMAC is Drost Kokoye. An immigrant from Kurdistan, who came here with her family to escape the horrific acts committed by Saddam Hussein, Ms. Kokoye is one of Tennessee’s radical activists who is outspoken on contoversial issues including the support of Black Lives Matter, Muslims for Ferguson, the Muslim Student Association, and the anti-semetic Students for Justice in Palestine. Ms. Kokoye not only hates America, she dislikes the police
Keep in mind, Drost Kokoye is a member of the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) whose number one mission was to build bridges with law enforcement, and to foster mutual trust in those relationships.
Two people sitting on the board of an organization (AMAC) who claim to want to build bridges, yet one attends a Muslim Brotherhood conference, whose ultimate goal is the destruction of America, and the other who hates.
Part 2 coming next with more members exposed.