AMAC & TN Higher Ed Help Foment Jew-Hatred in Tennessee

The big question is why has this happened in Tennessee and why hasn’t it been questioned?

Have Islamists like those who founded and run the TN American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC), reduced Tennesseans to useful idiots? Have they done such a good job of perverting and subverting our rights to serve their doctrinal hatred of Jews as to make questioning their Jew-hatred verrboten?Has their continual whining about imagined and alleged discrimination made it off limits to “offend” them in some way?

From Vanderbilt, to University of Memphis, to MTSU to UTKnoxville, Islamist Jew-haters have not held back on publicly posting their Jew-hatred. In 2016, details were reported about what was happening on Tennessee college campuses with students posting messages such as calling to “annihilate Jewish, Zionist dogs”.

An early vocal and venomous Jew-hater who started as a high-schooler and continued in college is former MTSU student and Muslim Students Association organizer Dana Swaies whose antisemite profile is posted on Canary Mission website which exposes haters of the U.S., Israel, and Jews. According to this entry, as of March 2021, Swaies’s LinkedIn page said she was a Scheduling Coordinator at the Murfreesboro offices of Cumberland Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, in Tennessee, since November 2020.  Makes you wonder what she says to her co-workers.

2016 is the same year when under Zulfat Suara’s leadership of the AMAC, they brought zealous Jew-hater Linda Sarsour to be a featured speaker at an AMAC event and provide a platform for her to spread her lies about Israel and suggest ways for others to advocate against the sole Jewish state in the world.

It was under Suara’s leadership that in 2016, AMAC also officially began its relationship with publicly recognized antisemites meeting in Nashville with Pramilla Jayapal and Ilhan (it’s the Benjamin babies) Omar.

With the help of AMAC and student groups like the Muslim Students Association (MSA) and the Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA), Sarsour has been enabled to foul and pollute college campuses in Tennessee. In July 2023, because of its extreme antisemitism and advocacy for the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions campaign against Israel, MESA got booted from its headquarters located at George Washington University.


Sarsour’s special brand of Jew hatred has been wrapped in the intesectionality/allyship, a socialist theory of connecting groups in a common struggle with the “oppressed” against the “oppressor”. Not surprisingly, the “oppressors” are stereotyped as privileged white supremacists.

Intersectionality, allyship and the other garbage that those like Sarsour and her sycophants like former AMAC board member and anti-Jew agitator, Drost Kokoye dish out, deliberately weaponize these theories against Jews even if they aren’t white or privileged.

It’s notable that Kokoye, a Kurdish refugee who came to live in Nashville at the largesse of the U.S. and was a long-standing board member of AMAC, was one of the earliest anti-Israel provocateurs, standing on Nashville streets with her sign parading the Israel genocide lie and taking her bullhorn to rally for the destruction of Israel. She also has an extensive write-up on the Canary Mission website

Amira Sakalla, another speaker featured in AMAC’s 2018 anti-Zionism program, was among UT Knoxville’s earliest anti-Israel campus agitators. Her dishonest rhetoric and hateful actions earned her a write-up on Canary Mission.

Joining Sakalla in AMAC’s 2018 Jew-hate fest event, was super Jew-hater Ash-Lee Henderson whose greatest wish to destroy the U.S. and Israel is detailed in the Dailyrollcall documented eight part series.

Zulfat Suara, was a co-founder and leader of AMAC since 2012. Suara is now a Metro Nashville council member who stepped down as public leader of AMAC when she ran for office. But her commitment to the same anti-Jew agenda has not stopped so she remains a named board member of the organization.

Linda Sarsour & Suara

As a Metro Council member Suara has steadfastly refused, even after the October 7th massacre, to condemn Hamas. To drive this point home, Suara used templated language from the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), and sponsored a resolution calling for a ceasefire in the war started by Hamas.

The Jew-hating USCPR’s focus is to turn Americans against Israel. The USCPR has troubling ties to Tennessee.

Just as Suara has refused to condemn Hamas, neither does her resolution, despite the fact that Hamas has vowed to repeat October 7th over and over again until all Jews are dead and Israel destroyed. Instead, Suara validates Hamas by citing it’s U.S. counterpart CAIR’s allegations of Islamophobia. FBI statistics consistently show hate crimes against Jews dwarf anti-Muslim activity.

Author and social media influencer Alyssa Rosenheck exposed the fact that Suara’s resolution was “a template taken from the USCPR website, a group funneling tax-exempt donations to Palestinian organizations, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other U.S.-designated terrorist groups.“BDS Umbrella Group Linked to Palestinian Terrorist Organizations.” also has a great fact sheet exposing USCPR.

It has been known and documented for decades since the Holy Land Foundation prosecution, that the Muslim Brotherhood tentacles are wrapped in and around Islamist organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Student Association (MSA).

Don’t for one minute forget that CAIR’s leader Nihad Awad has publicly voiced his support for the U.S, designated terrorist group HAMAS and more currently, his support for the barbarism of October 7th against Israeli civilians.

For all intents and purposes, AMAC is Tennessee’s CAIR chapter and CAIR is HAMAS. and antisemitism is the lifeblood of CAIR, its organizers, employees and fellow travelers.

Sarsour, CAIR’s Nihad Awad & Yasir Qadhi former Memphis imam

The Investigative Project on Terrorism has produced an extensive well-documented report – “CAIR Antisemitism Unmasked”. By its actions, AMAC is right in the mix.

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