Muslims tell us they must pray five times a day. What they don’t tell us is they are allowed to make them up if missed. So, once again, Muslims in America use Freedom of Religion as their pawn to get what they want. Muslims praying in public schools, during classroom time, is again in the spotlight, as Muslims become emboldened to pray wherever and whenever they wish. At Liberty High School in Frisco Texas, a classroom has been set aside for Muslim to pray. Muslims are defending this as it somehow is their right, even claiming the law is on their side.
Mustapha Carroll, director of the Dallas Fort Worth chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) states “it is the law that public schools provide “reasonable accommodations” for any and all student requested prayer”. This by the way, from the same Mustapha Carroll who stated during a Muslim Day event in Austin Texas “If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land.”
A public school setting aside a classroom for Muslim students is not reasonable, as it clearly shows a preference to Muslims only. But there are many other problems not even discussed, such as the lie Muslims must absolutely disrupt schedules for obligatory prayer. According to their own law, contained in the classic book of Islamic Law, the Reliance of the Traveller, prayers are allowed to be made up if missed. But first, lets look at what the religion of peace says about children if they miss a prayer.
And adults?
According to Islamic law, if you aren’t beaten or executed over not praying, there are 3 valid reasons to miss prayer.
HOWEVER, if you miss prayer for an invalid reason, you simply have to make them, during a time when necessities are not calling. Isn’t school a necessity?
Clearly Islamic law allows Muslims to make up their prayers on their own time. So why are public schools so afraid to say no to Muslim students? Lawsuits, and undoubtedly being labeled a name.
Another point to be made is as the student narrates in the video, “Every day during lunches, room C112 is utilized as a prayer room. While most religions do not dictate specific times to pray, Islam is different in this regard”, so how does the school deal with the students who are still in class when its prayer time ? According to the Liberty High School student handbook, lunch times vary over a period of hours, so it would seem likely not all Muslim students were free for lunch when prayer time occurs.
For example, today, Friday March 31, the prayer time that falls when students are in school would be 1:31pm. Muslim students in the C lunch period would be free, but others would not. Are they accommodated by missing class?
These are questions and points that should be considered and researched by the administration of the school, rather than an agreement which clearly shows Muslim students are given preferential treatment, regardless of the truth.