Tennessee’s Education Leftist Billionaire Problem.

  Former Tennessee Gov Bill Haslam and his wife launched a program on May 11, 2020 called “Tennessee Tutoring Corps”, which will help children who are falling behind in their studies because of the Covid 19 virus.  The goal is to hire 1,000 college students who will work with students from grade k-6 by paying tutors a $1000 stipend, and they will begin vetting tutors this week with instruction expected to take place from June to August. Great.

 While in office, Bill Haslam was known for his education programs as he established the Tennessee Promise scholarship making community and technical college tuition-free for most residents.  However in 2015 he also was one of a handful of governors leading an organization called Achieve, which was made up of governors and business leaders from across the country with the goal of preparing students  graduating from high school to be academically prepared for post-secondary success. Great.

Haslam’s involvement and generous volunteering commitments to these and other groups are admirable, however do not be lulled into the false sense there are no hitches. Out of his many affiliations, comes partnerships with global elites, who hold an ideology that will ultimately destroy America. Common Core, which Haslam and his close friend Jeb Bush were strong proponents of has essentially been the dumbing down of students in public schools not only in TN, but across the nation. To this day in TN, testing is still a train wreck, and even though now Governor Bill Lee promised to end Common Core, he instead has surrounded himself with liberal, incompetent educational system boobs.

Haslam’s Achieve was and still today is partnered with several philanthropic institutions that are geared towards extreme leftist, global, social justice ideologies. Unfortunately, Haslam’s latest venture, the Tennessee Tutoring Corp whose partner is the Boys and Girls Club, also has many of the same affiliations, including The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

An interesting note is Warren Buffett, another billionaire, and founder of Berkshire Hathaway, which also owns a “significant minority investment” in Haslam’s family business, the Pilot Flying J. was seen with Bill Gates in Knoxville Tennessee in late October of 2018.   Even more noteworthy is in May of 2019, Bill Gates made a 2-day trip to TN, where he visited a school in Chattanooga, then had dinner with Gov Bill Lee, and the following day met with lawmakers and state officials. The Gates Foundation has invested about $34 million in Tennessee statewide, with an emphasis in Memphis.

Tennessee is one of the five states the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is most invested in terms of education and it’s unlikely that will change“, says Gates. He further stated, “Oh yeah, we are going to stay invested in Tennessee.”

If you think Bill Gates is good because he gives money to “worthy” causes, perhaps you should look at exactly who he donates to. Better grab a drink though, his latest tax return which includes his grants and donations is 1444 pages long.  

If you think the same about rino Bill Haslam, I would also suggest you look at who he does business with. While we understand billionaires all are in the same circle, as the old saying goes, if you lay down with dogs, you get fleas.




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