OH (Ferrell) Haile NOOOOOOO!

Haile is another uber liberal Republican running for re-election to his state Senate seat. He should be sweating because he has an uber CONSERVATIVE  primary challenger in Chris Spencer who is endorsed by the uber CONSERVATIVE John Rich along with other known solid conservatives.


And Haile should be very worried because he cannot either hide, deny or justify his terrible, anti-conservative vote record.

Incentivizing illegal immigration and rewarding state public benefits to people who have no lawful immigration status – Ferrell Haile is as bad as the blue state governor of Massachusetts whose program of “tuition equity” will give college financial aid to illegal aliens or the GOP leadership in the U.S. Senate whose leaked draft border deal with the White House would continue releasing illegal border crossers, providing them with work permits and the continued abuse of granting parole which Tennessee AG Skrmetti has sued to stop.

Tennessee’s Haile is just as bad as his Senate comrade Becky Duncan Massey

Haile is just another uber liberal Republican who boasts about being “recognized with a perfect voting record for supporting small businesses by the National Federation of Independent Business organization.”

NFIB, along with the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce were among the lobbyists pushing the Shane Reeves bill awarding the state public benefit of commercial and professional licenses for anyone with federal work authorization even if they have no lawful immigration status.

Haile’s “perfect [NFIB] voting record” included voting YES for SB2464, the bill signed into law by Bill Lee. This may be the single worst bill passed by Republicans which abets the disastrous and destructive immigration policies and practices of the Biden administration.

One year after Haile was crowned “champion of commerce” by the TN Chamber of Commerce, he voted YES for the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce supported bill (SB612), giving the state public benefit of in-state tuition to students without lawful immigration status.

Anti-parent vaccine bill – it gets even worse for Haile. In 2020, Haile answered some of Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection questions including this one:

What characteristics or principles are most important for an elected official?
His response – “Truth, honesty, and integrity”.

So “truth, honesty and integrity” must be the reason that Haile, as vice-chair of the Senate Health & Welfare Committee, voted YES for the Richard Briggs HPV vaccine bill that would have authorized and expanded the options for healthcare providers to not just treat minors for STDs, but to provide “treatment to a minor to prevent STDs, without the knowledge or consent of the parents or legal guardians of the minor.”

The treatment to prevent STDs was exposed in the House to include giving the HPV vaccine to a minor without parental knowledge or consent.

Don’t for one minute forget that Becky Massey, another member of the Senate Health & Welfare Committee, also voted for this bill.

This bill alone, should be the one the ends the political careers of both Massey and Haile.

All together now – Haile NO!

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