For Muslims in America, running for political office is not about making America great, it’s all about revenge.

Washington Post
One of the most hotly contested seats is for Governor of Michigan, where many cities have fallen to the Islamic agenda. Abdul El-Sayed, a doctor, is running against Bill Shuette, and several other republicans who Muslims label haters and bigots. Sayed, is backed by Muslim Brotherhood supporters, including radical activist Linda Sarsour. Sayed himself is in attendance at this conference which was for the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), where Sarsour calls for jihad against the President of the United States. At 12:06 in the video, Sarsour urges Muslims to support Sayed.
Michigan is home to two of the largest cities where Islam is predominant. Dearborn and Hamtramck. Muslims claim there are more than 3.3 million Muslims living in the United States, but yet they hold just two of the 535 seats in Congress. And they are winners. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, and Andre Carson of Indiana, who both are also involved with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Many Muslims are being encouraged to run for local offices, specifically school boards. As many are aware, for the last several years, parents and community leaders have been fighting a textbook battle in every state regarding the disproportionate amount of time spent on Islam. Not only are textbooks loaded with inaccurate and false information about Islam and their prophet Muhammad, teachers are taking students to mosques to learn even more. The comment below was from a former Muslim on Reddit
Electing Muslims on local school boards will bolster the goal of indoctrinating American children, as they believe Islam should be a major part of the curriculum, even in public schools. Muslim women are also being urged to run for office, to prove their diversity and continue the farce women need to be empowered. What is interesting about so many Muslim women running for political office, is the way they are portraying themselves, some as victims, others as pious, religious Muslims wearing the hijab.
Hadiya Afzal, an 18 year old college student is running as a democrat in IL, but claims she is running for “all” people. Rashida Tlaib, is running for Congress in Michigan, and claims to be progressive. This picture of Tlaib with an attorney for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) speaks volumes. CAIR aka Hamas, is a danger to America.
Fayrouz Saad, a former Obama appointee, also is running for Congress in Michigan. Saad, a self proclaimed “progressive Democrat” is supported by a Muslim organization called Emgage. Emgage’s sole purpose is to “mobilize” Muslims to address Muslim issues.
There are several more Muslim women in the races across America, this is just a sampling. As you can see, there are two issues Muslims running for public office are promoting, Muslims and resistance. It isn’t about America, it’s about Muslims. Note: Many Muslims are running for office in Michigan, home to 2 cities controlled by Muslims.
As mentioned before, Keith Ellison and Andre Carson are 2 Congressman who are Muslim. Both have supported, and attended the Muslim Brotherhood’s first political party within our country, the United States Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO). Use this as a gauge on how they feel about America. Disgusting.