The left will stop at nothing to change America, including using their supposed “Christianity” to shame and chastise those who disagree with their ideology and methods. This all started in December of 2019, when TN Governor Bill Lee caved to social justice groups like the TN Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition(TIRRC) by re-opening the door for refugees to enter. Despite a law suit instituted by the Governors own General Assembly which objects to the federal government forcing the state to pay for the refugees, Gov Lee gave a blanket consent to accept them. Counties across the state, have used a resolution to send a clear message to the Governor they would not be accepting refugees. despite his consenting without his legislative approval.
As the no brainer resolutions were quickly passed in many counties, leftist groups caught on and began to contact commissioners using emotions rather than facts to debate their positions. On many occasions during commission meetings, those speaking in favor of the resolution to reject refugees, were labeled anti-Christian, bigots or racists. As more counties disregarded the leftist rhetoric, groups like Indivisible and the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) ramped up their attacks.
In Washington County TN, one of the most egregious attempts to stop commissioners from passing the resolution is in the form of a letter from a self proclaimed Christian, Aaron Scott. In his letter titled “Christian Response to Washington County, TN Commission Resolution on Refugees” which urges Christians in Washington County to sign it before the final vote to be held on March 23, 2020 he states:
I‘m Aaron Scott, a Christian and a resident of Johnson City. There is a pending resolution before the Washington County Commission that, if approved, will notify Governor Bill Lee and other state leaders that Washington county is opposed to accepting refugees.
As a Christian, I find this resolution to be incompatible with my faith convictions. As a member of a diverse community of neighbors and friends that includes people of different backgrounds, races and ethnicities, and faith-traditions, or of no faith, I find this resolution to be contrary to our community values. I wish to express my strong public opposition to this resolution.
I believe that most of our community members also oppose the spirit and substance of this resolution and instead wish to express that our community is hospitable and welcoming. Below is a statement of opposition I invite others to sign; a printed copy of the statement and all accompanying signatures and contact information will be presented on 3/23/20 at the Commission meeting. Names and contact information provided below will not be shared online or in person with anyone else before or after the Commission meeting and will not be used for any other purposes.
Some additional background information about refugees is presented below in a Frequently Asked Questions format. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact me.
-Aaron Scott, Johnson City, TN 37604.
Statement of Opposition
I am a proud follower of Jesus Christ, who himself fled the threat of violence to a foreign land (Matthew 2:14) and calls his followers to love others/their neighbors as themselves (Matthew 22:39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27; John 13:34-35 & 15:12; Romans 13:9-10). Christian Scripture teaches that followers of God are to welcome and care for foreigners (Leviticus 19:33-34, 23:22; Deuteronomy 10:18-19, 24:19-22, & 27:19; Zechariah 7:9-10; Matthew 25; Hebrews 13:2; James 1:27).
I am a proud member of a diverse community. Our county includes people with many differing backgrounds, beliefs, races and ethnicities, and perspectives. These differences are a strength and a reflection of the beauty of our common humanity and commitment to a better world. I believe that welcoming others to join our community helps us grow and thrive economically, culturally, and spiritually.
I see no evidence that the current number of refugees or the projected future number of refugees in Washington county in the foreseeable future present an undue financial burden on our county, taxpayers, and local government entities.
I, therefore, strongly oppose the proposed resolution before the Washington County Commission that suggests that this community will not serve as a welcoming and hospitable place for refugees. I call on the commissioners of Washington county, as public servants and representatives of myself and my neighbors, to unanimously reject the proposed resolution.
Aaron Scott, Johnson City
For those county commissioners who would even entertain the idea this emotional debate is appropriate and should be the basis for their decision, here is a reminder. As elected officials, you have taken an oath which stated in effect
“I do solemnly swear that I will perform with fidelity the duties of the office
to which I have been elected, and which I am about to assume. I do
solemnly swear to support the constitutions of Tennessee and the United
States and to faithfully perform the duties of the office of county
commissioner representing the __________ district of County,
Commissioners have the duty to preserve and uphold those Constitutions, not fall prey to those who chastise them for not being “Christian” enough. Commissioners also must keep in mind the states legislative body has not approved any expenditures for the refugee program, as it was suspended in 2007 after the federal government shifted the costs to the states, hence the 10th Amendment lawsuit currently in progress with the help of the Thomas E Moore Law Center, at no expense to state taxpayers.
It is men like Aaron Scott that have the audacity to suggest those not conceding to his ideology are somehow less Christian than him. It isn’t a debate over ones beliefs, but rather one over our Constitution.Period.