Hagerty Busy Campaigning While Sethi is Busy Saving Lives

A business suit v. a white coat.


Elitist v. Man who works among and for regular every day Tennesseans.

Candidate who has constructed his entire campaign around President Trump v. Candidate whose campaign rises from Constitutional self-governance – you know, that “we the People” thing.

Think about it – Hagerty would have no way to try and obscure his deep ties and commitments to Tennessee’s establishment Republicans like Lamar Alexander, and other globalist Republicans like Jeb!, Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney.

In case you missed it – Hagerty’s Political Resume – Anti-Trumpers and Pelosi-Republicans

Hagerty owes a big political debt to never-Trumper Bill Haslam whose money and connections continue to give him pull in the Tennessee Republican party.

Hagerty’s launch in Tennessee government started with his political appointment by Haslam to be the Commissioner of the Department of Economic & Community Development (ECD). Does anyone really believe that Hagerty would have gotten that political appointment if he wasn’t connected to Tennessee’s ruling Republican elite and, wasn’t himself extremely wealthy?

Time to elect a man who spends his days with the real people in Tennessee. Someone who helps people through some of the most trying times in their lives. A person whose entire career is a person-to-person transaction, not a person-to-paper transaction.

Tennessee may be Trump country (which is a good thing), but Trump doesn’t elect the state’s Senators – real people in Tennessee do.

Look past Hagerty’s slick ads and his need to rely on the President’s endorsement at every turn – they are just words. Look at his POLITICAL DNA – IT IS FILLED WITH REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT ELITISTS AND ANTI-TRUMPERS.

Enough of giving bored super-wealthy businessmen something to do by letting them rule over us. Watch Hagerty try to take advantage of the COVID-19 crisis touting his business experience and Trump appointing him to an economic advisory team. Hagerty basically bought his ambassadorship and Trump jumped out too early and endorsed him for the Senate seat. So Trump will do what he can to have his pick win.

Tennessee deserves better than another establishment business suit doing the business of people they left in the dust years ago.


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