GOP Consent For Refugee Resettlement a Stab in the Back

According to the President’s Executive Order the Governor and the county executive must both agree in writing in order for refugees to be resettled in that county and/or 50-100 miles out from the consenting county.

How a non-consenting neighboring county might feel about that? Tough nuggies.

Knoxville’s city council has voted unanimously to beg Governor Bill Lee for refugees and has directed their lefty mayor Madeline Rogero, “to send a letter to the U.S. secretary of state to share the city’s plans to participate “’in this very worthy program.”’

We hate to burst their bubble, but the consent has to come from Knox County whose Republican Mayor Glenn Jacobs is “a proud Trump supporter.”

Two weeks after issuing his Executive Order on refugee resettlement, the President told the 20,000 strong at the Minnesota rally, that:

“Since coming into office, I have reduced refugee resettlement by 85 percent. And as you know, maybe especially in Minnesota, I issued an executive action making clear that no refugees will be resettled in any city, or in any state, without the express written consent of that city or that state.”

The President has gone out on a limb to help elected officials with an immigration program that may ultimately change a state, county or town from red to a shade of blue. Trump probably didn’t expect that GOP governors were going to stand with Democrats to undermine him.

Maybe his administration figured that 24 states which are already blue, would each happily take 750 refugees. (that would be the full 18,000 admission number for FY2020).

As of now, Republican governors from Arizona, Utah, New Hampshire, and North Dakota want more refugees. Their consent supports both the resettlement industry and the federal contractors who are suing Trump for trying to put American interests and needs first.

Conservative Review Senior Editor Daniel Horowitz, has accurately diagnosed the problem– “[m]any Republicans voted for Donald Trump in the primary because they were sick of business as usual with Republican politicians acting like Democrats.”

Do the GOPers think that Democrat governors are consenting to show their support for the President’s policies?

These GOPers are also rewarding the political groups actively working to unseat the President. They can try to spin it, but consent means publicly linking arms with the growing House Refugee Caucus and the Soros-linked Evangelical Immigration Table, to oppose the President and undermine his immigration policies, including refugee resettlement.

The membership overlap between the Refugee Caucus and the Congressional Progressive Caucus should surprise no one. Ilhan Omar and Pramila Jayapal who each have a foot in both caucuses, have also collaborated with TIRRC here in Tennessee and spent time getting cozy with AMAC.

Because of the Tennessee lawsuit, Bill Lee should know that consenting to continued refugee resettlement also means he’s okay with state taxpayers being forced to pay the state and federal costs of the program.

Religious moralizing by Tennessee evangelicals doesn’t cut it either. In a cleverly worded letter to Governor Lee they state that “since the Refugee Act of 1980, no refugee resettled to the U.S. has taken a single American life in an act of terrorism.”

 According to these compassionate Christians, it’s not good enough that the victim(s) attacked is severely injured; they have to actually die and it has to be labeled “terrorism” for it to matter.

Two years ago, Sudanese refugee Emanuel Samson, shot up a church in Nashville, killing Melanie Crow and injuring seven other worshippers.


In 2011, Omar Mohamed Kalmio, a Minnesota Somali refugee, murdered 4 people in North Dakota. This was after he and a group of Somali men had knife attacked a man in Minneapolis five years earlier.

In 2008 Esar Met, a Burmese Muslim refugee raped and murdered a young Burmese Christian refugee girl in Salt Lake City.

There are multiple cases of U.S. refugees who have been sentenced for planning bomb attacks which fortunately were discovered before being executed, except for these:

2012 – Abdullatif Ali Aldosary, an Iraqi refugee, set off a bomb at a Social Security Office in Arizona
2016 – Ahmad Rahimi set off bomb in NY injuring 29 people

A small sampling of violent attacks by U.S. refugees which fortunately did not end in the victims dying includes:

2014 – A group of Iraqi refugees brutally gang raped a 50 year old woman in Colorado which left her with a colostomy bag. These guys earned their refugee status because they assisted US forces in Iraq either as informants or interpreters
2016 – Dahir Adan, a Somali refugee who went on a stabbing spree in a St. Cloud mall injuring 9 people. That same year, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, committed a vehicle-ramming and stabbing attack at Ohio State University wounding 13 people.

The World Relief resettlement contractor with help from George Soros, is leading this evangelical letter writing. This is the same federal contractor who took the money but dumped refugees in Murfreesboro without providing the services.

Knoxville’s Bridge resettlement agency is a local affiliate of World Relief and like all resettlement contractors has prospered financially from the more than 2,000 refugees it has resettled in Knoxville.

Even if Governor Lee and Sen. Blackburn choose to ignore the dangerous undersides of refugee resettlement at least Congressman Chuck Fleischmann is. He’s asking to have certain Islamist organizations investigated for “promoting extremist ideology and terror finance.”


The organization appears to have deep ties to Knoxville.


Make sure you are sharing information with your county executives, your mayor, your state legislators and Governor Lee and tell them NO consent for resettlement in Tennessee.

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