Critical Race Theory..The New Bullying. Part 2


Critical Race Theory is not about “telling the truth “about history.  It is not about exceptionalism, and a child reaching their maximum potential. It is not about student growth and preparedness for a good future. It is not about students constructively, or fairly learning the sins of our nation.

Critical Race Theory is about the destruction of your children’s educations. It is about dividing children into classes based on their skin color. It is about reparations for events that happened before any teacher or child was born. It is about hate. It is about enhancing a flawed, and deceptive view on history to benefit a race that blames everyone for what they feel is oppression.  It is based on lies.

So why are teachers, unions, and organizations pushing this tale?  To create mini social justice activists that in time, will rise against the basic institutions and beliefs the United States of America was founded on.  It will turn children away from their parents, and the values they instilled in them. It will create a country filled with radicals that seek to dismantle and alter the fabric of our Constitution and faith.

This is why so may states have passed legislation to ban the teaching of a “theory”.

This is also why the largest teachers union, the National Education Association (NEA) has proclaimed they will defend and protect teachers who break their state laws. At a recent virtual annual meeting and representative assembly, an “action” was adopted that promotes the following.

This is not education, this is indoctrination. 

In an article published in the Dailywire by Luke Rosiak on June 21 2021, he exposes hundreds of teachers throughout the country that have vowed to teach CRT, despite many of their respective states banning it. The following is the names of teachers in Tennessee that have made this pledge.

Alcoa, Tn

Nancy Kemp

Antioch, Tn

Daven Oglesby

Arlington, Tn

Laura Braytenbah

Brentwood, Tn

Teresa Dunleavy

Chattanooga, Tn

Allison Aubrey, Lydia Rose, Nancy Schurr

Christiana, Tn

Valarie Gibson

Cleveland, Tn

Shara Troutner

Cookeville, Tn


Dickson, Tn

John Toomey

Germantown, Tn

Jasmin Chairez

Johnson City, Tn

Kristin Waite

Knoxville, Tn

Clarence Burress, F Berman, Shelly Higgins, Steven Rodgers, Theresa Hopkins

Lebanon, Tn

Tara Mielnik

Memphis, Tn

AUREAL CARLOCK, Adam Jones, Adam Patrick, Alex Iberg, Angel Carmona, Cynthia Belfleur, Daphnee Moragne, Eddie Walsh, Heather Johnson, Jenny Barrett, Jill Torres, Johnathan Clayton, Justine Brunett, Kathryn McRitchie, Kathryn Berlin, Laura Taylor, Leigha Walton-Bayne, Molly Scott, Nicholas Smith, Will Kelley, sandra boyer

Murfreesboro, Tn

Jane Marcellus

Nashville, Tn

Angelica Dunsavage, James Horn, Jon Robertson, Kelly Hill, Kimberly L, Lindsey Hamilton, Megan Broad, Megan Troutman, Melanie Edwards, Phyllis D.K. Hildreth JD, Rhonda Stewart, Victoria Morrow

Newport, Tn

Ashlyn Neas-McCaul, Luke Valentine

Spring Hill, Tn

Louise Braswell


Parents, no matter what school district you live, county, big or is imperative you fight this. In Tennessee, the Teachers Education Association and it’s smaller affiliates like the Coffee County Education Association, all fall under the National Education Association. It is up to the parents, and the community to hold not just the local districts responsible, but individual teachers who whether openly, or privately have decided to break the law. 

As discussed in Part one, Tennessee’s Education Commissioner, Penny Schwinn has been given approval to withhold state funds from any districts that are found to be teaching CRT. The problem with that is many districts need that funding, and eventually it will be those students will suffer the most. Perhaps it is time we rethink who is responsible, and hold teachers breaking the law to the same standard any other law breakers face. Steep fines, and the loss of their teachers license would profoundly affect those that defy the law.

So what can parents and community members do? Considering children are our most important assets for our future, start attending school board meetings! Learn who your elected school board members are and contact them. Ask those uncomfortable questions, and demand answers. Now is not the time to be afraid to speak out..our future depends on it. 

Look at who  your local school district union leaders are. What are their beliefs? What statements have they made on social media or in school resource papers? In Coffee County, English teacher Mike Stein, had this to say regarding the teaching of CRT which was published in the TN Chalkbeat news. 


The blatant disregard and deceptive description of what CRT is by those charged with teaching our children is not only disgraceful but dangerous. Not only is it putting your child’s school in danger of losing funding, but further instills a sense of violating laws is ok to do if you disagree with them. 

Wake up folks, your children are today’s target. It is time to get involved. Say no to Critical Race Theory and to those who teach it.

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