American Muslims are travelling the globe to inspire and teach young minds as well as seasoned ones about the doctrine of Islam. Considering the philosophy of these “teachers”, are they contributing to the mindset of terrorists like the Manchester bomber Salman Abedi? Two Islamic Usteds (teachers) from the United States recently embarked on a world tour, which led them both to Manchester England. Meet Yasir Qadhi and Nouman Ali-Khan.
Yasir Qadhi, of Memphis Tennessee is the Dean of Academic Affairs and Instructor at the al-Maghrib Institute, which has 20 locations in the United States, but also a dozen throughout the world. al-Maghrib courses are accredited by theAmerican Open University, under the direction of Al-Azhar University in Cairo—the world’s largest Sunni institution of higher learning, which also adheres to the Wahabbi form of Islam. Al-Azhar is the preferred institution by the Muslim Brotherhood, and has been home to many terrorists.
Qadhi was one of the featured speakers for the “Losing My Religion” conferences promoted by MEND ( Muslim Engagement and Development) in the UK. Nouman Ali Khan was another.
Nouman Ali Khan is the founder of the Bayyinah Institute in Dallas Texas, another large establishment promoting Islam and Arabic “to the world”. Dubbed the “event of the year”, on the website advertising the conference, it spells out a rather bleak future for Muslims as they claim they are victims of so many things, blaming the west for Islamophobia, and Muslims supposedly losing their identity.
Shortly after these talks, Qadhi continued on an 8 city speaking tour in the UK (including Manchester) for Islamic Relief. while Nouman Ali Khan spoke at other programs. It was Ali Khan that delivered a lecture at the Didsbury Mosque on May 17, 2017 (full video below). This was almost a month after his participation in the “Losing My Religion” conference sponsored by MEND in London and Yorkshire. On the 17th of May, Salman Ramadan Abedi left Libya and returned to Manchester. Five days after the Nouman Ali Khan lecture at the Didsbury Mosque, Salman Ramadan Abedi strapped on a suicide vest and waited at the exit of a concert at the Manchester Arena as people started to leave. He detonated his vest killing 22 and wounding 119, many of them women and children
Salman Abedi and his family were known to regularly frequent the Didsbury Mosque. Several members of the family have been arrested and are being questioned about their involvement with planning of the bombing attack.
A videoposted on YouTube shows a subject in the crowd at the East London Mosque the night Nouman Ali Khan gave a lecture on January 27, 2017. One of those faces bears a strong resemblance to Hashem Abedi, brother of the bomber.