Is Chick-fil-A the Next Muslim Brotherhood Victim?

“Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory.”

                                                                                                                         Islamic Law: Reliance of the Traveller: page 746-8.2

  The doctrine of Islam promotes lying and deception if the outcome is to attain a goal. The goal is to make Americans believe Islam is superior and free of all the evils plaguing our society. Muslims also use deception to frame narratives which eventually lead to lawsuits, usually with the premise the defendant in the suit  discriminates against Muslims.  Muslims have an obligation to bring about the global Caliphate, no matter what it takes. 

This appears to be the case as the Muslim Brotherhood’s largest front group, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), posts a message on their Face Book page declaring Chick-fil-A will be serving halal food at their upcoming conference. Chick-fil-A is a Christian based business who has stated the following when asked if they did in fact serve halal products: “Because of our immensely diverse guest base, we are not able to tailor menu items that reflect all individual preferences, including religious restrictions.”  **


ISNA isn’t the only Muslim Brotherhood group to tell the tall tale, the Muslim Student Association at Virginia Common Wealth University also suggests the Chick-fil-A on their campus sells food Muslims can eat.

So why should anyone care about who sells Halal food ? First, halal means “permissible” in Islamic law.  In order for meat products to be halal, this is what happens:

• The animal to be slaughtered must not already be dead.
• The animal must not be a pig.
• The slaughterer must be a Muslim.
• The animal must be positioned to face Mecca.
• The slaughterer must place a blade on the throat of the animal.
• The slaughterer must proclaim, Bismillah, Allahu Akbar!” 
• The animal’s throat must be sliced through, severing its carotid arteries and jugular veins.
• All of the flowing blood must be allowed drain from the animal.

“Bismillah” means “In the name of Allah,” while “Allahu Akbar!” means “Allah is Greater!” Halal meat comes from animals that are sacrificed “in the name of Allah,” who is declared “Greater” than the gods of all other religions. This is blasphemy to Christians who worship the only true God. 

Many halal certification companies often funnel money to  Islamic charities that in turn support jihad. As we have witnessed, jihad in its purest form, is performed by ISIS and other ruthless Muslim groups that behead and slaughter Christians throughout the Middle East. While millions of American believe halal to be healthy, more humane choices, they are being deceived by what halal really is. If you believe in supporting terrorism, then by all means continue being ignorant and supporting anything halal.

So how do you know if a product is halal? Look for these symbols, or any sign in Arabic. Many labels are extremely small, and hard to read. The bottom line is to refuse to purchase those products, and then express your feelings to the executives of those companies. Unfortunately, money is always the bottom line, and halal products are very profitable.

So is Chick-fil-A being set up as the Muslim Brotherhoods next victim? Yes it could be. In an interesting twist, at the same time. CAIR, (the Council on American Islamic Relations aka Hamas), in Massachusetts received a $100,000 dollar grant from the Cumming Foundation as a give back to the Muslim community. CAIR intends to use this money to hire additional legal help to fight against businesses that they believe discriminate against Muslims.  Many American companies have in fact been sued by CAIR for several different reasons. Those include Truth Hardware ( Ariens (,  DHL (, and the NYPD ( These  are just 4 of hundreds of frivolous law suits filed by CAIR to disrupt business policies in America. 

The Muslim Brotherhood and its front groups in America continue to show their true intentions, which is to force Islamic laws upon America which are antithetical to our Constitution. Will Chick-fil-A be next?

Only time will tell.


**On Monday, June 11, we contacted Chick-fil-A by phone and spoke to a customer care representative to express our concern. As of today, June 13, we have not heard back from them. They did however respond to our social media comments. 

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