Why Muslims Must Not Be Elected to Public Office

  Capitol Hill  in Washington D.C was loaded with Islamists from Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas organizations yesterday as two of their “sisters” took the oath of office as U.S Congresswomen.  

CAIR/HAMAS Director Hassan Shibly with Somali Ilhan Omar 

The problem is their oath was taken on the Koran, which promises their allegiance to Islam and its laws, not the Constitution and American laws. Good job America. Electing two women whose sole purpose is to effect fundamental change to our laws isn’t about diversity like they proclaim, it’s about dismantling a system their religious beliefs subscribe them to do.

From Islamic Scholars on Democracy and man made law is the following which can be found on http://www.aljamaat.org/islam/articles/a42.htm

Clearly, from their own words, Democracy and man made law is abhorrent,  yet we, as Americans have allowed the election of two, blatantly anti-American, anti-Israel infiltrators to place their hands on one of the very books that calls for our demise.  

Not only will they continue to subvert and alter the Constitution and our laws, but their first mission is to impeach the current President, Donald Trump. This is the new face of Congress.

Congratulations,  let the games begin. 

Before election

Immediately after swearing in

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