The Myth of Islamophobia, The Truth About Those Who Invented It.

Muslims across America are demanding Islamophobia be stopped by creating a false rise in what they consider anti-Muslim rhetoric.  Islamophobia is a word manufactured by the Muslim Brotherhood in an effort to invent a false sense of victimhood. Islamophobia is defined by Muslims as those who hold an irrational fear of Islam, and is seen as a mental deficiency.

The word itself means a fear of Islam, but the word has morphed into meaning a hatred of Muslims, racism, or bigotry. It encompasses negative words that cause discomfort and embarrassment, thereby causing people to think twice about speaking negatively about Islam and Muslims.  Being labelled a hater or racist (which Islam is not a race) can get you fired, lose family and friends, or lose business.  All fears of the American people.

Islamic organizations like the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) have created a sense of urgency in hopes the government will step in by criminalizing what they consider hate speech. Incidents have been fabricated to make it appear there is a spike in anti-Muslim sentiment which in turn they say promotes violence, vandalism and hate.

Aside from the fear of being labeled an islamophobe, people are shying away from anything that may be construed as islamophobic and instead flooding to hear Muslims preach about Islam, its peaceful and loving nature, its tolerance of all things sinful, and how compatible sharia law is to the constitution (all untrue)

HOWEVER, the most important point is not about Islamophobia but rather how it is being used by Muslims. Their efforts to end Islamophobia have instead created a national security risk.

Law enforcement and our military have become so delicate to Muslim communities for fear of losing federal funding or their pensions they are cooperating with Muslim communities conducting business in a way that doesn’t offend the Muslims. Because of the demands by Muslims to further their agenda and our political correctness, some of the outcomes of these implications are:

The purging of relevant, factual training that includes who terrorist organizations and their supporters are within the US

The termination of surveillance in mosques

The end of profiling

The ceasing of   standard search procedures, such as canines to detect explosives

The barring of our military being able to identify the enemy and annihilate them

The altering of rules of engagement replaced with recall and retreat 

The cessation of interrogation tools that are effective but are seen as offensive and demeaning

All because Muslims label these Islamophobic.

All of these things we have viewed as small incremental changes, are now the result of our law enforcement agencies calling Islamic terrorism acts of domestic extremism.

By not immediately designating killings such as San Bernardino, Chattanooga, Fort Hood or Garland TX as Islamic terrorism, they are falling into criminal categories rather than terrorist ones. We are becoming desensitized to the reality of an enemy who is fighting in the name of Islam that has an ideology that is dismantling and destroying America.

It isn’t Islamophobia that is dangerous, it is those calling for its demise who are

*This article was taken from a chapter from The Muslim Brotherhood: The Threat in our Backyard, a book written by Cathy Hinners, founder of

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