Tennessee Students See Pro Illegal Immigrant, Anti Police Play.

As if children today don’t have enough issues to deal with, some Tennessee schools have taken their students, ranging from 3rd graders to high school to a play on immigration. “Return to Sender” is a production playing at the Nashville’s Children’s Theatre, based on a 2009 book detailing the life of a young Mexican girl. In this play, her parents, which are in America illegally, work on a farm in Vermont but could be deported if the young girls friends at school contact local authorities. One friend in particular is faced with the dilemma that if he was to tell authorities, his families farm would have to be sold as a result of losing the illegal worker.  

In typical biased, anti-law enforcement form, one part of the play shows ICE agents approach a man, which they immediately begin to beat with night sticks. Artistic director Ernie Nolan of the theater states this play helps “reflect the communities of Nashville and allow families to have tough conversations”. 

Return to Sender is a one sided, disgusting view of our law enforcement and promotes the acceptance of those here in America illegally. Furthermore, it is undermining what many parents may teach their children, from obeying our laws to respecting police, no matter what agency they work for. This play is nothing more than indoctrinating students with the belief that telling the truth may hurt your own family, therefore accept those breaking our laws, because if you don’t, the police will arrest and beat them. 

So far students from Davidson, Rutherford and Williamson Counties have been taken to see this play. We at dailyrollcall.com urge you to contact your local schools to stop any planned trips to see this play. 

                                                      Below click on picture to Nashville’s News Channel 5 story with a clip of the play, or clickIMG_2934



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