In December 2016, the TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) hosted the “We the People” National Immigrant Integration Conference in Nashville. A promotional flyer for the conference (below), featured Linda Sarsour.


Who is Linda Sarsour?

Sarsour, is the head of the Arab American Association of NY (AAANY). She was born in New York after her parents, both Palestinians from the West Bank, immigrated to the U.S. still Identifying herself as a Palestinian-American, Sarsours platform of victimhood is two-fold: alleged abuses of Palestinians by Israel and American discrimination and Islamophobia directed at Muslims in the U.S.

In 2012 Sarsour was Obama’s “Champion of Change,” and a year later, CAIR’s American Muslim of the Year. While she was receiving these accolades she was tweeting out anti-Semitic messages like “nothing is creepier than Zionism,” (the belief in a Jewish homeland).

Sarsour seeks out any and all opportunities to spread her Jew hatred. She founded “Muslims for Ferguson” once the riots started. Collaborating with Black Lives Matter (BLM), Dream Defenders, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), CAIR and others, she helped turn the Ferguson protests into an anti-Israel rally.



More recently, Sarsour spoke at AMP’s conference confirming her “unequivocal” support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement, and her disdain for Muslims who interface with pro-Israel Jews. AMP is a national extremist anti-Israel organization that helps train and support the college hate group, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). 

BLM, Dream Defenders and TIRRC – Jew hating fellow travelers

In 2016, BLM issued its platform including a section called “Invest/Divest” devoted in part to condemning the State of Israel. Parroting the propaganda and lies of the BDS movement BLM labels Israel an apartheid state engaged in genocide.

Sarsour has publicly asserted that she is “deeply involved in the BLM movement.”

She also sits on the advisory board of Dream Defenders (DD). One of DD’s founding members is Ahmad Abuznaid, another Palestinian. Unlike Sarsour who was born in New York, Abuznaid was born in East Jerusalem. He serves as DD’s legal and policy director.

Not surprisingly, DD asserts solidarity with Palestinians. Members of BLM and DD traveled to the “occupied” territories to spend time with a convicted terrorist who had served 17 years in an Israeli prison for planting bombs. Since that trip, DD has aligned more closely with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, an organization that that advocates armed resistance whose members in the past have hijacked airplanes.

And what do the Jew-hating-Israel-to-be-destroyed organizations have in common?


Funding from George Soros. He has given $650,000 to BLM, funneled money to Dream Defenders through the Tides Foundation (which has received over $3 million from Soros), and contributed an undisclosed amount to Sarsour’s Arab organization AAANY.

Soros has an established presence in Nashville, the TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC). TIRRC got its first Soros money in 2007 and then received almost $800,000 more between 2012 -2013. Soros’ Four Freedoms Fund was a top sponsor of TIRRC’s December conference.

TIRRC is being led by Palestinian Daoud Abudiab who is a fellow traveler with the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, an organization founded in part by the Jew-hating organization AMP. Under Abudiab’s leadership, TIRRC openly collaborates with BLM.

In April 2016, TIRRC, BLM and DD met together again at the Black Immigration Network’s (BIN) Kinship Assembly. They demanded racial justice and equal rights for victimized black migrants but also take time out to demonize countries like Israel.

BIN operates under the Soros funded umbrella of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI). BAJI was a presenter at TIRRC’s December 2016 conference in Nashville.

George Soros LOVES the enemy of the state and any group that wants to tear down America. He believes in and uses his money to create chaos, divisiveness and destruction. Soros hates Israel and the Jews that live there. The groups that take his money willingly go along with his agenda.

Thanks to our friends at

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