On Monday, April 17, an article was written and posted by myself, Cathy Hinners, regarding the hypocrisy and deceit of Daoud Abudiab, founder of the Faith and Culture Center in Nashville TN. In that article, was a picture, found on open social media by a “friend” of Mr. Abudiabs, of his college age son, wearing a black and white kufiya. The article was not about his son, but rather how ironic it is Mr. Abudiab runs an organization where he embraces Christians and Jews, yet his religion calls for the killing of them. The kufiya, according to Mvslim.com, symbolizes resistance and the fight against the occupation.
Apparently Mr. Abudiab did not want anyone to view this article from Mvslim.com as he blacked it out on his screenshot. What is important to keep in mind, is Mr Abudiab is a Palestinian himself, (who in 2008, sued the U.S. government to compel approval of his application for naturalization in the U.S. (case No. 1:08-0018). (He publicly lamented several years later that “he was one of the ones that left.”) he certainly understands the meaning of the black and white kufiya.
There can be no disputing what the doctrine of Islam commands of its followers in reference to Christians and Jews.
Undoubtedly Mr. Abudiab and his friends will say these Suras are taken out of context, however, they are not, they are clearly defined in the Koran, and below the Hadiths and Sira. The book,al-Wala’ wa’l-Bara’,by Shaykh Muhammad Saeed al-Qahtani, lists 20 “types of alliances” with unbelievers that are forbidden to Muslims. These include “taking the disbelievers as friends,” “trusting the disbelievers,” “drawing near” to them and even living among them*.
Another book called the Methodology of Dawa ( click to read) by Shamm Siddiqui, describes in detail how the use of interfaith as a tool is of utmost importance to fool Christians and Jews.
Mr. Abudiab was also found attending a Muslim Brotherhood conference in Feb of 2015. The United States Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) considered to be the Brotherhoods first political party in America, was a whose who of Ikhwan/Hamas leaders and supporters. Mr. Abudiab was there.
These are facts, these aren’t my words or pictures. More details of who was in attendance at this conference with Mr. Abudiab have been written extensively about in the past. Isn’t it a bit unnerving a man who claims to love Christians and Jews attends a conference hosted by organizations that call for the annihilation of Jews (Hamas) and Christians ( Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood)?
My original article, which will be posted again in its entirety, wasnt about Mr. Abudiabs son, it was about his deceit. What is fascinating though, were the responses I received, and those posted on Mr. Abudiabs open face book page. Below are screenshots of some of the comments left by the Islamophiles of Williamson County TN. The only hatred, ignorance and evil are from their mouths not mine.
Even the Mayor of Franklin TN chimed in, to which I ask, what abuse Mr. Moore? Facts are abuse?
Business owner Julie Hinton of Franklin states:
Preaching about hatred, while being hateful.
More hatred:
And more:
There are many more comments, most apologizing for an article that contained facts, which most ignore or dismiss because it is easier. I do not apologize for what I write, it is all backed up with their own words , their own pictures and their own doctrine. I sign my name to each article, without reservation or fear, knowing it is the truth. The world is awakening to the danger of Islam, only the sheep will remain asleep.
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored” Aldous Huxley