Nashville’s far left mayor and city council are working overtime to be the San Francisco of the South.
“Our Revolution – Nashville & Mid TN” is intimately involved trying to spread the insurrection and overthrow of Nashville outward. They endorsed and helped get elected former American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) and socialist, Zulfat Suara, to the Metro Nashville Council.
While Suara was leading AMAC, her former co-chair and AMAC co-founder Daoud Abudiab was leading TIRRC (TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition), and both groups joined with Black Lives Matter to “strategize, dream and build [their] movement for 2016.”
And there is very little in their way to stop Nashville’s full transformation.
In fact, a legitimate argument can be made that Bill Lee and his leadership SNAFUs is abetting Nashville’s agenda.
For starters, when Tennessee’s COVID lockdowns began, Bill Lee decided to give Nashville’s far left mayor free reign to do whatever he wanted. Predictably, Mayor Cooper followed other Democrat run cities and put Nashville on a seemingly perpetual lockdown.
Except of course when it was time to host a mass protest and invite all elected officials to attend – no social distancing required!
Cooper was cautioned by other leaders that similar protests in other blue cities had in short order, turned violent and destructive. Neither Cooper nor Metro police were prepared for the inevitable which wasn’t hard to predict especially since the Metro police department has been effectively neutered and is now under the thumb of the anti-police-pro-open-borders special interest groups running the Community Oversight Board (COB).
AMAC was an aggressive proponent of the charter amendment that made the anti-police COB a formal and $1 million dollar funded arm of the Metro Nashville government. AMAC board member Drost Kokoye was a lead organizer against police while she attended UT Knoxville.
Cop haters policing the police combined with low pay has put Metro’s police force at over a 100 person deficit.
Protest organizer Prophetess Venita Lewis admitted that the violence, and wanton destruction is “happening all across the county. The protests are not gonna end peacefully” and that “the rioting will not stop when associated with Floyd’s death.”
Bill Lee stood back and watched while Nashville was looted and burned waiting until Cooper asked for help.
In November 2019, the Tennessee Comptroller’s Office reviewed and rejected Nashville’s budget, threatening to take over if the city couldn’t figure out how to address the years of irresponsible over-spending. According to the Comptroller, “Metro’s expenses have outpaced the city’s revenue growth since 2013, according to Wilson. To accommodate those increasing expenses, city leaders have been depleting Metro’s available cash and reserve funds, which are down 24% and 16% respectively.”
Then came the March tornadoes and COVID followed by the BLM protest turned riot.
Between 2015 and 2020, the state has given Metro Nashville $99,581,919 in fast track economic development grants. In 2017 and 2018, the state rewarded the out-of-control and irresponsible spending and illegal-alien-protectionist government in Davidson County with over $28 million dollars to recruit Philips North America and Alliance Bernstein.
Cooper’s 32% property tax increase isn’t going to exempt people who’ve been and may still be out of work since his COVID lockdown started. Nor will it exempt people whose home or business was destroyed by the tornadoes. Nor is Cooper’s tax increase going to exempt the 30 business owners whose properties were vandalized by the protest rioters.
Is there any rational reason that any more state economic development funding should be given to Nashville? Does spending more state tax dollars to help the San Fran on the Cumberland benefit the state in any conceivable way?
No. But the decision to steer the economic development money to Nashville comes from the administration, not the legislature.
So San Fran on the Cumberland probably has nothing to worry about. Remember, the state’s chief executive officer, aka, the governor, had no problem sending money to the campaigns of leftists Megan Barry, Karl Dean and Phil Bredesen or rushing to meet with AMAC.