News flash: Over 30,000 people clashed with Capitol Police and the Secret Service using smoke bombs in an attempt to crash through fencing. Sound familiar? Only this wasn’t the staged Jan 6th 2021, this was June 8th 2024.
This wasn’t an insurrection, this is a level of Islamic Jihad. And yet Americans continue to support and embrace pro-Palestinian rallies and protests. For years and years Islamists have claimed the West would be taken “from within”, and Sharia Law would be the law of the land. America and Europe will fall to the Islamic State ( or as some say, the Global Caliphate.)
America they are telling us their goal, why don’t you believe them? One only has to look at Britain to see how far Muslims have advanced, but one has to remove their blinders and rose colored glasses to do so. Islam is not a peaceful religion, Islam has vowed to be superior to all other religions at any and all costs.
Jihad is the means to achieve that. Muslims will tell you Jihads definition in Arabic is “to struggle”, In Islam jihad means holy war. The Quran specifically exempts the disabled and ‘weak’ from Jihad ( Sura 4:95, 9:91), which would make no sense if the word is being used within the context of spiritual struggle. Jihad is mentioned over 50 times in reference to the words of Muhammad (in sahih verses). Each carries a clear connotation to holy war.
In one of the most detailed, revealing manifestos ever seen by US law enforcement and intelligence experts is the Muslim Brotherhoods manifesto titled “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America”, written in 1991. This document was found in a Hamas members basement during a raid by the FBI. It later was used as evidence to help indict several Hamas members and co-conspirators for funding Hamas, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization on the US State Depts Terror watch list. Their intentions in this document are very clear:

As things are to go, the first stage of Islamic conquest has already taken place with the successful attempts to portray Muslims as peaceful and victims of racism, (Even though Islam is not a race) calls to criminalize “Islamophobia” as a hate crime, threats of legal actions against those “discriminating” against Muslims, and interfaith events to indoctrinate non-Muslims. Now, the Biden administration has published “The U.S National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Hate”.
Muslims are masters at being victims, and America loves victims. We have embraced and accepted their agenda all under the guise of religion, despite the exposure of their goals. As the numbers of Muslims increase, so does the threat. Islam is a united front, what occurs “over there” will also occur here, in a matter of time.
In a recent article by Robert Spencer published on PJ Media, a disturbing trend has in fact taken place in many cities where the mayors are Muslims. Why does that matter? Effecting change can only be done by changing policies, rules and laws and politicians are the ones that are able to do that. Dismissing traditional policies to implement Sharia law has already begun, and will continue as numbers of Muslims grow.
As we saw over the last year with Muslims openly declaring war on America with the burning of our flag, and the desecration of historical monuments, it no longer is just about the war in is about their disdain for America and all we stand for.
Only in America with the current political and social climate could a terrorist organization take to the streets without any consequences. In case you are one of many still asleep, Hamas is a designated foreign terrorist group here in the United States. Here is the link :
Hamas is no different than Al-Qaida, Boko Haram or ISIS. Yet we have allowed them to flourish here in America. We have given them platforms across the country to spread their ideology also known as Islam. We have given them permission to enter our colleges and universities under the guise of “religious” freedom. We have embraced them as they portray themselves as constant victims. We have bowed to them as they tell you how pious they are during “interfaith” gatherings. And now we are standing back and watching them destroy our history and our country. For those that remain ignorant or gullible, Islam is the foundation to how and why these groups operate.
Yasir Qadhi, a dean at the Islamic Seminary of America and resident scholar at the East Plano Islamic Center in Plano TX clearly states in this talk how Muslims having multiple children (5.6 or 7) is the secret weapon to advancing the Muslim world.
It is beyond time to believe what the Islamists are telling us.