They have been telling us for years. They believe we are the oppressors, and America is the “great Satan”. Their “holy” book, the Koran encourages death to non-believers.
The first pillar in Islam is the most unifying of all pillars among all Muslims across the world. “There is no god but allah, and Mohammed is the prophet”. Flags of several terrorist groups use that to display on their flags.

At 3 am Jan 1 2025 in the French Quarters of New Orleans, a Muslim man named Shamsu Din Jabbar, a convert to Islam with the black flag of ISIS attached to the rear of his truck drove intentionally into News Years revelers, killing 15 and injuring at least 25 more.

Not only did he use his vehicle to kill, he had explosives strapped to his neck, and used a handgun to shoot at police. At this time, several more IEDs were located throughout the French quarters. Do not believe for one second this was a “copycat” incident, or a lone wolf. He was not “radicalized” by ISIS, he was radicalized by Islam.

In the Koran there are over 109 verses that urge violence against non-believers (non-Muslims). Jews are referred to as people of the book. Below is a small number of suras regarding fighting against the infidels ( all non-believers) as well as from the Book of Bukhari( the Hadiths)

This isn’t to say every Muslim around the globe prescribes to this ideology, but professing the Shahada, and following Sharia law will tell you they follow the life of the prophet Muhammad, which is a Muslim that adheres to this ideology and believes the return of the global caliphate must occur. DO not be confused by the definition of Jihad. In Arabic it is “ a struggle”, in Islam it means “ holy war”.
While ISIS was knocked down years ago, it has re-emerged in several areas of the world, and continued where it left off with violence. In a leaked memo from Homeland security months ago, it was discovered members of ISIS have entered the U.S via the open southern border, but later was covered up by saying 400 migrants were brought in as human smugglers, not terrorists. This isn’t the first sign ISIS has infiltrated our country, in June of 2024 8 Tajikistan men were arrested in NY, Philadelphia and Los Angeles identified as potential ISIS affiliates.
Shamsud Din Jabbar attended the Masjid Bilal in Houston. Interestingly enough this mosque is operated by the Islamic Center of Greater Houston, whose own property is owned by the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) which is the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is a designated terrorist organization in many countries, however not in the United States…yet.

Today as Federal agents spoke over and over, they continued to insist “if you see something say something”. Really? The current administrations stance on Islamic terrorism is hardly friendly. Last month the Biden administration released a 67 page report titled “ The National Strategy on Countering Islamophobia and Anti-Arab hate”. 67 pages on how to make Muslims happy by appeasing them.