Islamists have been telling us for years.
But instead many have embraced, supported and accepted their warnings under the guise of religion.
Now as we watch the UK fall to its knees, we must either acknowledge their deceit or prepare to accept their way of life. What will it be America?
Undoubtedly, we will be labeled Islamophobes, haters and bigots but just like the democrats who are now showing us their communist colors, Islamists are no longer hiding their destructive agenda.
As we have witnessed terrorist organizations publicly attack American icons and desecrate our flag, we stand silent. Why?
Now, let me introduce you to another organization coming out of the dark here in the United States. Cage International. Cage is an anti Jewish, anti- American Islamist advocacy group that appears as a human rights group on behalf of known Al Qaida and convicted terrorists. Once again, many will see this as helping Muslims who have been unfairly treated in America. What needs to be known is Cage wants to see dangerous terrorists released from prisons. One such person is Al- Qaida operative Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani scientist convicted and sentenced for attempting to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan. Siddiqui was sentenced to 86 years, which CAGE now claims the nine allegations she was convicted of were “lies and inconsistencies”.
The biggest voice for Cage here in the United States is Omar Sulieman, founder and president of the Yaqeen Institute in Irving TX and also an adjunct professor at the Southern Methodist University. Sulieman is a strong supporter of the BDS movement, as well as CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations AKA Hamas) and AMP (American Muslims for Palestine). He believes the war on terror equates with a war on Muslims, a popular belief by Muslims in the United States, as they continually portray themselves as victims.
Because Suliman is considered by many as a pious Islamic preacher, his relationships with Christian preachers will be used to further this cause. What religious leaders here in the United States need to understand is embracing those advocating for the release of convicted terrorists that have killed Americans, or attempted to, were tried and convicted by our criminal justice system and must not be released under the false guise of “Muslim persecution”, or Islamophobia.
Leaders of Cage International promote jihadi and terrorist ideology, using the victim card as the chance to see violent Islamic terrorists in the UK and the US be released from prisons under humanitarian and social justice rights.
It is only a matter of time, all the Islamic organizations here within the United States ban together and declare the call to jihad. It’s happening in the UK, and it is not far behind for us.