President Trump has made some good picks and some mis-picks. Hagerty for U.S. Senate is one of the bigger mis-picks.
First and most importantly, (and no disrespect to the President), Tennessee voters will decide whether another elitist globican like Lamar fills that seat.
Second, realize how heavily Hagerty is leaning on Trump’s endorsement hoping that this will distract voters from realizing what kind of elitist globican he really is.
(Globicans are those on the right who cavalierly trade American citizens like widgets for perceived economic outcomes – and/or their own political ambitions).
Third, it really does matter, when you don’t have a voting record, who is on your political resume. On this side of the ledger, Hagerty is in BIG trouble.
Illegal alien amnesty supporter Mitch McConnell hasendorsed Hagerty.
During his 35 years in the Senate, McConnell has learned how to manipulate to his desired outcome, the political high waters of obstruction. And given that McConnell at best only tolerates Trump, he has not hesitated to obstruct the President on a key issue – illegal immigration. Remember, McConnell is no supporter of Trump.
On the President’s emergency at the border declaration – McConnell, a tool of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and big globican interests, rushed to announce that the Senate would block it. Then he, “unleashed twelve members of his Decepticon caucus to rebuke the border security efforts of President Donald Trump.”
Whenever it concerns illegal aliens, the “Deception caucus” always includes Lamar Alexander and Mitt Romney, both of whom recently voted against the President – again – to overturn his resolution on the national emergency at the border. Hagerty’s other immigration buddy whom he supported for president, Marco Rubio didn’t show up for this first round of voting.
Trump vetoed the House-Senate resolution; Romney hung in there and voted to overturn Trump’s veto, out-going Lamar didn’t bother to show up this time around but Rubio did and voted to overturn Trump’s veto.
On the recent House-passed resolution condemning the President for withdrawing troops from Syria, McConnell said he wanted “an even stronger” resolution against the President than the one passed in the House. Led by Sen. Rand Paul, Republicans in the Senate defied McConnell’s efforts to undermine Trump.
Predictably, Romney used the Syria withdrawal to again “lambaste” the President in a speech from the Senate floor. And of course Romney is abusing his Senate seat to push Trump impeachment efforts.
Hagerty is now trying to camouflage his real political DNA and past political opportunistic boot-strapping.
Hagerty’s delicate chastising of Romney’s support for Trump impeachment efforts shows how desperate Hagerty really is to try and separate himself from the most vocal pre and post-election anti-Trumper.
What Hagerty can’t erase what his devotion to Romney, when he left Tennessee ECD to serve as Romney’s national finance guy, a move he probably though could get he a spot in a Romney administration.
When that didn’t work out, Hagerty put his support behind Jeb! for president in 2016. When he chose Jeb! over Trump, Hagerty said:
“Jeb has a plan to flatten and simplify the tax code, which will create millions of new jobs,” Hagerty said in the release. “He will unleash American innovation through his regulatory reform agenda. He has the right ideas on embracing an American energy revolution which will benefit every American family and business. We need a president with a proven record of implementing conservative reforms, and Jeb Bush is that candidate.”
And after Jeb! withdrew, Hagerty flipped to Marco Rubio who just happened to show up at state Sen. Jack Johnson’s August event where Hagerty was featured. Hmmm.
Trump was Hagerty’s last choice because he won the primary with no thanks to the likes of Hagerty.
All of Hagerty’s picks before Trump, were known at the time and continue to be, supporters of amnesty for illegal aliens.
If you consider who the extremely wealthy money globicans are in Tennessee, then you realize that none of Hagerty’s moves have been coincidental.
How come no one in the media has asked Hagerty what he thinks about Romney’s incessant attacks and efforts to undermine the President?
Hagerty hasn’t and won’t disavow Romney. Hagerty’s gentle criticism of Romney for not opposing impeachment moves came two weeks after Senate candidate Manny Sethi had denounced Democrat impeachment efforts.
Sethi has been straightforward and clear that he won’t fall in line with the establishment. Hagerty, however, already has political IOUs and he is LOCKED INTO the McConnell globican machine.
Just wait until Tennessee globicans who went all out for East Tennessean’s Haslam and Randy Boyd (Hagerty’s successor at ECD hand-picked by Haslam) get started. The Senate primary election is setting up just like the gubernatorial primary that Boyd lost. The FACTS about Hagerty, simply don’t square up for Tennessee conservatives. Fortunately, there’s a better option.